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Kenya’s Water Crisis

Water is a basic necessity for all life forms existing on earth. While this is so, water is a limited resource, and even when available, other key considerations such as cleanliness and safety are not met. According to a report published by water.org, 15 percent of Kenyans rely on unimproved water sources such as ponds,

How Well Do You Know the SDGs? SDG Two…

According to The Global Goals, hunger is the leading cause of death in the world. Even though our planet is rich in resources, different reasons have contributed to hunger and malnutrition. These include climate change, economic downturns, unequal access to resources and conflict. According to estimates by The United Nations, nearly 690 million people are

Investing in Green Energy – The path to Post Covid-19 Recovery

The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has disrupted markets in a significant way. Supply chain challenges and major price hikes are  some of the major effects that are being felt across the globe. Oil and gas prices have risen and with the decrease in supply, demand for fossil fuels has also increased significantly, which

How Well Do You Know the SDGs? SDG One…

The Sustainable Development Goals, widely known as SDGs were developed at the United Nations Conference that was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the year 2012. In the year 2015, through a vote, the United Nations chose objectives applicable universally to transform the world. These are a collection of 17 intertwined global goals/target and